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Welcome Back/Send Off


BARPCV collaborates with the New England Regional Peace Corps Office to welcome back recently returned volunteers and send off invitees about to embark on their new journeys. Local RPCVs and invitees are invited to these events, as well as friends and families of Peace Corps volunteers. There is a featured guest speaker or speakers and a short ceremony to Welcome Back those recently returning from service and to Send Off those about to embark on their journeys. It's also a great opportunity to share stories and socialize with fellow RPCVs. Participants are encouraged to bring dishes inspired by their countries of service to share at the event.

These gatherings take place twice a year, usually in early May and early December.

To find details on the next WBSO, View Events Calendar


The WBSO Committee includes a Co-chair from BARPCV and a Co-chair from the Peace Corps Boston Regional Office. At the WBSO, new, old and potential volunteers of all ages connect, reflect and give advice and encouragement about what lies ahead. Returned Peace Corps Volunteers help prospective Volunteers and their families by passing along current information about their countries of service. In addition, the event helps to bring together the Peace Corps Community so that they can network, share experiences, and learn more about what they can do to continue to carry on service to their communities here and abroad.

For information about how to help out with the WBSO, Contact Events